Alchemical Journey Card Readings
with Ellen Asherah
These unique Tarot readings combine the traditional
approach to card reading with guided trance journey. The reading is done
in sacred space with emphasis on the connection to
one’s own Higher Self and inner Divine guidance. The client is lead
through a series of trance journeys which serve to reveal in a very
visceral way answers to all questions asked. Instead of receiving a
reading where all information comes in from outside the self, these
Alchemical Journey Readings are experiential mystical and shamanic
journeys that leave the questioner with a deep sense of inner knowing.
Beyond answering questions, these journeys facilitate deep
transformation and healing.
Ellen has been reading Tarot Cards in the traditional manner for over 25 years. In these Alchemical readings she combines her traditional Tarot background with her many tools as an Alchemical Hypnotherapist to create an opportunity for understanding, growth, healing and personal empowerment.