Ellen Asherah, Middletown CA, is a Reiki Master Teacher and Certified Zhineng Qigong Instructor* with over 20 years of teaching experience. (*Wisdom Healing Qigong - The Chi Center .com - Master Ming Tong Gu) Ellen offers unique Reiki sessions and certification trainings which include intensive instruction in Qigong (Chi Kung) and Qigong energy healing techniques, to supercharge student's abilities to work effectively as energy healers, using Reiki as a specific stream of healing energy, encoded with the qualities of harmonization, cleansing and balance.
Mind-Body-Spirit Holistic Arts, Ellen Asherah CCHT CI CMT BA, Lower Lake, California: Offering an integrated, multi-dimensional approach to holistic healing arts including sessions in Hypnosis and NLP, Reiki Qigong and Energy Healing and Sound Healing, and also offering Certification Trainings: NGH National Guild of Hypnotists 100 HR. Hypnotist Certification, NLP Certification, Reiki and Qigong Training (Chi Kung).
ABOUT REIKI: Reiki is a healing system originating in Japan, with roots in ancient Buddhism. It is balancing, relaxing and revitalizing. It is a perfect answer for stress reduction and emotional as well as physical healing and wellbeing. Reiki energy is a healing gateway to one’s true and balanced essence—universal life force. Often Reiki is practiced through the laying on of hands. This affects the body, both physically and aurically, down to the molecular level. Reiki gets stagnant energy moving, helps the body purify of toxicity (physical and emotional), and assists the body and energy field in coming into a balanced state which is ultimately a healthy state.
For more information read my article on Reiki
Treat yourself to a soothing and energizing session of Reiki
energy work to balance the chakras and bring healing to
mind, body and spirit. Sessions last an hour and leave you FEELING
GREAT! In my Reiki sessions I include vibrational and sound healing
using Tibetan and crystal singing bowls. Hypnosis is also integrated
into Reiki sessions when appropriate or requested.
I offer one on one or group instruction sessions for all Reiki Levels, and special topic classes focusing on specific ways and techniques for working with Reiki (over 20 topics including breath work (prana yama), chakra work, music and vibrational healing, art & trance, working with the 5 elements, color therapy, trance techniques to heal emotional pain and/or anxiety and stress, etc.). Classes are hands-on, experiential and are oriented around the purpose of gaining, enhancing and deepening one's skills in working with cosmic energy for healing and transformation - personally and universally (microcosm / macrocosm). There is an emphasis on cultivating psychic skills.
The training to channel and utilize this healing energy involves receiving energy attunements. During the attunements energy channels are opened and set flowing, creating instant access to Reiki energy at all times and without effort. The attunements I give are powerful and effective.
My priority in teaching Reiki is to share a wide range of trance, energy, breath, movement and visualization skills in order to fully engage with, feel and effectively direct Reiki energy in a broad range of situations. I include an abundance of QiGong theory and practice in my Reiki trainings.
Reiki Level 1:$300 Reiki Level 2: $300
Reiki Master Levels (Master & Master Teacher): $300
Special Topic Classes: $75 for three hr. class,
(Reiki Level 1 is a prerequesite for special topic classes)
REQUIREMENTS for REIKI MASTER (Reiki 3) Level Training:
After completing Reiki Level 1 and Level 2 time is needed to use, integrate and grow powerful with the Reiki practice and skills learned. Independent focus must be given to using the Reiki symbols and experiencing the wide range of Reiki applications as you have learned them up to this point.
month of practice after receiving
Reiki 2
-Completion of at least 2 special topic classes:
(each special topic class is about 3 hours and
costs $75 eac
Meditation Techniques & Deepening
Deepening Trance Skills & Reiki
Chakra Opening & Balancing
Specific Reiki Techniques for Physical Healing
Integrating Reiki Into Everyday Activities
Reiki & Stress Relief (treating anxiety, etc)
Reiki & Earth Healing / Earth Connection
Reiki as Link to Divine Guidance & Wisdom
Reiki & Breath work (Prana Yama)
Opening & Healing the Heart Center
Crown Chakra Focus: Opening to Spirit & Universe
Harmonizing & Transforming the Negative Mind:
Focus on Qigong & Energy From Nature
Shifting habitual negative thought patterns
Connection to & Communication with Higher Self
Focus on Specific Chakras Individually
Reiki & Sound Healing through Voice, Singing, Mantra
Reiki & Sound Healing: Singing Bowls
Reiki & Medicines (working with both pharmaceutical &
natural medicines to increase potency & reduce/Eliminate
Connecting & Working With Healing Spirit Guides
Five Elements
Transforming & Healing Anger
Tantric Reiki Techniques (working with kundalini energy
& sexual energy for healing and transformation,
using breath work, color work, energy work
& visualization)
Reiki for Healing Fear, Anxiety, Stress, Mental Blocks,
Energy Running Techniques
Integrating Hypnosis Techniques in the Reiki Session
Inner Child Work
Deepening Work With Reiki 2 Symbols
Working with crystals & gemstones, gem elixers
Working with plant spirits & flower essences
Cost for Reiki Master Level: $300
-Teaching / Attuning at least 2 students in Reiki Level 1 & 2
-Completion of 3 special topic classes (listed above)
Cost for Reiki Master Teacher Level: $300
register for trainings and classes (click)

"Reiki 1 was just awesome. More than I imagined, although I had no expectations, I was ready and open to receive the attunements. Almost an indescribable experience that I will keep with me for a long time. The impact and the power it can have on people and Ellen providing and facilitating a universal life energy to us all to use is absolutely incredible. Thank you Ellen." -D.J.

"After taking the first Reiki class I feel very enlightened. Ellen is an amazing teacher, and gave absolutely beautiful attunements. I feel like a brand new person, prepared with the skills I need to give a good Reiki session. The Hypnosis part put me in such a trance, such a deep state of relaxation, I look forward to taking classes in the future! Thank you so much! -Lacey

"I came to this Reiki class not knowing what to expect and was amazed by the second day how much I took with me. I felt a transformation in my energy and to my surprise worked out some of my personal issues as well as what I can offer my clients. I look forward to her Reiki 2 and Reiki 3 classes. Thank you Ellen. -Debra K.